Throughout the course of my life, I have received injuries to my neck and back. I am also a dance teacher and I have seen Dr. Nicole Cherok on a regular basis for nearly 10-12 years. I refer to her as my maintenance coach for my entir body. Her chiropractic treatments have kept me fit and healthy. Since the age of 45, I have had severe PMS symptoms, and since the age of 50 pre-menopausal symptoms. Each month I suffered from night sweats, headaches, mood swings, depression, and tenderness of the breast, blotting, exhaustion and severe cramping. My regular OBGYN wanted to put me on synthetic hormones. Not wanting to take this corse of action, I turned to Dr. Cherok. I have always maintained good health with her and decided to ask her opinion.
Last year, she advised me to try a natural hormone replacement therapy. We did a simple saliva test (which was sent to a lab) to decide if my hormones and adrenal gland were imbalanced. The results of the test indicated hormones imbalanced and adrendal gland at a point of severe exhaustion. The next step was to stabilize my hormones and adrenal gland. Dr. Cherok recommended I start on a dietary supplement taken orally called DHEA and Pregnenolone. Within a month, I began to feel a substantial difference. Al the symptoms I had experienced slowly disappeared. My body began to stabilize and I felt my energy pick-up immediately. Today, I feel extremely healthy and youthful. I am grateful for er professional knowledge of not only chiropractic skills but also her expertise education and wisdom of homeopathic healing.
–April B., age 52
Kirkpatricks School of Dance, San Mateo, CA
© 2023 Cherok Chiropractic
48 Eastwood Dr. • San Mateo, CA 94403
(650) 348-4262 •